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Slave Rules

The purpose of sub/slave etiquette is to have a basis for all sub/slave to follow, these are the minimum standards upon which Turia will enforce and teach and expand upon as they deem necessary.

These are the basic rules that all subs/slaves must heed

1. All slaves will address Free Persons as Master/Mistress .. if gender is not known, use Master by default until corrected.

2. Since a slave cannot serve more than one Master at any single moment, the slave may not be in more than one room at any given time, and the slave shall not engage in any other activities while serving a Master (i.e, msgs to others).

3. Entry to provide service or to observe is open to all and does not require explicit permission. Slaves should karta upon entrance.

4. Departure from the room by a slave requires permission.

5. During the course of serving, slaves are required to pay full attention to the task at hand, thus the slave should not have the time to greet any person entering. Appropriate greetings can be done after the slave has been released from the task at hand.

6. The usage of explicit and graphic words (i.e, slave heat) may be used, but the slave must be aware of their meanings and intentions that may be provoked the use of those words. Be prepare to accept the consequences.

7. Be aware that even though Turia has basic rules of operations, slaves should be aware of any additional rules that may exist. When in doubt about the appropriateness of any behavior seek out the advice of another slave of the Home

8. No slaves are required to accompany a Free Person into whispers with the exception of her/his owner.

9. No slave can be forced to accept a collar that the slave does not freely take. Once taken, removing the collar is at the discretion of the owner only. In the event that an owner can no longer be present and the slave wishes the removal of the collar, the slave must ask the Ubar or Ubara for permission to remove the collar. NOTE: an abandoned slave, by definition, is one who has had NO communication with the owner for a period of no less than Two weeks.

10. Slaves are not allowed to handle any device or instrument that can be construed as a weapon. Slaves are never allowed to handle money. In the event that he/she is offered coins to take to her owner, the free person offering the coin should place it in the mouth of the slave to carry.

11. The "white silks" are just that, reserved for the owner of the slave. White silk slaves may serve food and drinks, converse to free persons from their knees, and any other restrictions that the owner choose to place upon the slave. The integrity of white silks will be maintained and upheld by all free persons. White silks must be indicated by the "w" at the end of their collar or stated so in their actions or words.

12. Red silks exists in 2 forms. Owner’s red silks , who’s sexual pleasure are reserved only for the Owner. There are also "true" red silks, whose pleasure may be enjoyed by any free person with expressed consent by the slave.

13. A slave, uncollared, may be disciplined by any free person, as overseen by the room hosts. A collared slave may only be disciplined by the Owner. If the slave becomes disruptive, they may be taken to task (spoken to by hosts), and the slave is required to make their owner aware of such events. In the event that their owner cannot be made aware of such events (i.e, vacation and such), the first girl or the MoSP may administer fit discipline and will notify the owner of the slave of the infraction via email.

14. Only three types of collars are recognized in the Turia; personal collar, City of Turia collars and collars from other cities.

15. In the event that the owner of the slave is to be absent, the owner can assign a protector during the absence.

16. Slaves are required to obtain permission prior to whispering free persons, slaves may banter at will in msg’s to any other slaves. The exception to this is, requests for help from slaves to Hosts.

17. It is a good idea to express concern in open room to Hosts and/or other free persons in the event that a slave feels threatened or harassed by any person.

18. Tal is a greeting between free persons, slaves should use greetings or other appropriate means to greet.

19. Slaves who are not bounded by a collar may change nicks, but warning, abuse of this privilege may cause problems for the slave and a possible ban from Turia.

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